Girl Gamers

It would appear there’s a new menace around the tournament scene – Conscripts!

Very excellent prop builder. This gal does some fascinating work!


The 16th Alpha update for 7 Days to Die is out now and though I’ve only played this game for a little while, I have to say it’s a huge improvement so far and one that I was looking forward to greatly!

They’ve updated their far away Points of Interest models so that they show up outside of a certain point. Previously you would have to get fairly close to a building/PoI in order to see what was there. As seen in the photo here, there’s clearly a campsite on the hillside.

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The first FAQs of 8th edition have been published!

I didn’t notice anything seriously game-changing in my initial perusal of the docs save for one little tidbit. Genestealer Cult – Purestrain Genestealers got 8 points cheaper. For a girl that runs 60 stealerbugs in her GSC army, that’s a pretty huge deal!