
All posts for the day July 21st, 2011

Cod Tramadol Online In an effort to, you know, actually have gaming on here, allow me to present an idea we have wanted to do since before this blog went live.  This is The War Dolls 1750 Round Robin Warhammer 40k Vassal Tournament.  Or the WD1750RRW4DKVT.  I think I’m just gonna call it The Cat Fight.  We here at War Dolls have always valued the ability to smash our friends into tiny pulpy pieces and then eat their shattered remains to gain their power.  It’s a natural evolution of the War Dolls ideals of furthering the cause of female gamers through a unified front.  Or were we just having fun?  I forget.  The important thing to remember here is that I am going to win and the rest of you chicks can suck my Orks. The basic idea is simple.  All the Dolls who Play the K are going to shoot, chop, smash and flame the living hell out of each other until one person proves to be the baddest of all asses.  To this one person goes the esteemed title of WARBOSS WARDOLL (Or Chapter Master, if you’re a sucka).  This tournament will probably take a little bit since one of our members is injured and another is indisposed, but the fight will rage on!  FOR JUSTICE AND GLORY!  The following table is available to gamblers and other Nevada residents.

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source So I went and saw the final Harry Potter this last weekend and thought it was really great! Granted I haven’t read that book in years, so that may have been the reason I thought it was so good. There were a couple of things of course that didn’t mesh with the book, but I understand in movies, sometimes you just gotta make a change.

go to site It was nice seeing some of the old faces but sadly it was just that. Luna barely had any lines and I don’t think Tonks had any, and I know they had parts in the last half of the book. Wasn’t really thrilled about that, those being two of my more favorite characters.

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follow url Still, I had a great time and the movie hit me all over my emotional map. I was laughing and crying all throughout the movie, especially at the end. There is one scene in particular that struck me, and I don’t think it was in the book. I am not sure if they intended it in the film, but it was really poignant. *possible spoiler below* The scene is where Snape is dying after being attacked by Nagini, and he’s lying there and Potter comes in. In the film, there’s a moment where Snape looks up into Harry’s eyes and they hold that gaze for a moment. Just watching that scene touched me so deep. I realized that Snape’s final sight as he lay dying was Lily’s eyes. It was just so touching I immediately just burst into tears. I honestly don’t know if that was in the book or not, but I must have missed it if so. I thought it was incredibly well done. It really drove things home for me.

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go to site The scenes from Snapes memory of he and Lily were nice and fairly well done. They did leave some out and I wasn’t too sure on the children they had for those parts.


Buy Valium Diazepam I was really happy to see Gary Oldman show up, even if for a scene. Yum yum. 🙂 I like Oldman AND Sirius Black, so that was nice.

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