
All posts for the month January, 2014

Tramadol Order Online Canada I’ve been feeling the roleplay itch again lately. My old standby is D&D, and I have no problem running that or any system really. I can tell my story with any proper set of tools. The only concern I have with running the current incarnation (4th ed) of D&D is that Wizards of the Coast is on the verge of releasing an entirely new edition and that would leave myself and my players having to learn a new set of rules sometime this year. Continue Reading

go site So, I’m pretty much the most horrible weekly blogger ever.  I’ll get better…or worse, no one really knows.  😉

source EscapeCurseTempleBoardGameSo, I had the opportunity to play a fun little game called Escape: The Curse of the Temple.  It’s pretty much a co-op dice rolling game that lasts 10 minutes.  No more, no less.  The premise is that you and your friends are adventurers exploring a temple.  You use dice rolls to determine your exploration by rolling certain symbols to unlock a new room tile.  The goal is to escape safely and as a group. Continue Reading

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enter site It’s been a little while since my (or anyone’s) last post, but there have been things going on, for everyone. The holiday season is always a busy time for everyone, and as a store owner, I noticed that it was just as, if not more so for gamers. In my own realm, we moved to a new place just before Thanksgiving, so it’s been a roller coaster ride for us. We’re all getting back in the rhythm of things though, slowly but surely.

Rx Tramadol Online There will be plenty enough to go round for a while. The gaming must go on! I’m driving this blog to be more open-ended with the content and less 40k specific. I’m very much hoping to see a little more of everything. I encourage anyone who has any articles or ideas for the same to write to us and let us know! I also want to give a special shout out to Ambergeddon for her board game reviews!  Continue Reading