follow link So, since we’re at it, and in the interests of making the bets a little bit more informed, I’m releasing my list too. Orks have, generally speaking, been regarded as pretty uncompetitive, and I’m not one to disagree terribly, honestly, especially seeing as my list looks nothing like anything remotely competitive. Let’s see what it looks like, shall we?
Buy Cheap Tramadol Online Forthwith and the Sin Eaters (1750)
Warboss: Power Klaw, Twin Linked Shoota, Cybork, Pole, Armor
go to link Big Mek: Burna, SAG, Ammo Runt, Pole
source siteElite
5 Lootas
10 Nobz: Stikkbombz, Big Choppas x9,Armor, Pole, Banner, Painboy
Online Rx Tramadol 21 Shoota Boyz: Big Shoota, Rokkit, Nob w/ BC, Pole
follow link21 Shoota Boyz: Big Shootas x2, Nob w/PK, Bosspole
10 Shoota Boyz: Big Shoota
Deff Dread: DCCWx2, Riggers, Armor
Heavy Support
10 Flash Gitz: More Dakka, Shootier
Looted Wagon: Skorcha, Big Shootas x2, Red
Looted Wagon: Boomgun, Case, Red, Riggers, Plates, Wreckin’ Ball, Ram
This is basically a remake of my very first, original list, and the one I still drag out when I can’t be arsed to make a new one. I keep it around because I have the models and nothing is quite as fun as scattering those big ass blast templates all over my Boyz mobs. Good good times.