source Okay.. so Seraph has been a little busy as of late.. maybe its been working, taking care of the kid, cleaning house, or just gaming ether way life has been full!
go to site I guess i can start out the post that i am writing with a really good artical that i have been reading on stat city games. . The hubby showed me it and its really a good artical <_< ;. Anywho... so i have been playing a bit more wow then i would like to admit.. been spending a lot of moneys on magic cardies, and got a new tank for my turtles! This weekend is the prerelise of the new magic set ^_^ innistrad. I am already signed up for the tourie and we will see how i do! heh prob not too great. i hate making decks on the fly. Anyone who plays xbox right now will prob glare at me.. but i really have not been looking forward to the day that GOW3 came out ~_~ those that know me will know why. blarg On wow right now its brewfeast!!!!!!! though the game is starting to feel repeditive again and i am wishing i knew of something else to do. if the mud i play on was more populated i would be spending more time on there…. but the legends of krynn just seems like more often then not only immortals are on there and it gets really dull! Anywho… this little tech girl has some stuffs she has to do before her 10.5 hour shift tomorrow. Ja Ne!
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