
All posts for the day June 5th, 2013

Valium Online Europe Well the new codex has been read through and even had a test run around the block. Farseer Elorrah was kind enough to let me write this blog entry for her. Never mind the twitch – I hear that goes away after Mind War wears off completely.

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see url We might as well start with her. Elorrah’s signature power has always been Eldritch Storm. You can’t be much of a Bringer of the Storm without it, and now it seems it’s worth a damn. Warp charge 2 seems steep (especially with all the other WC2 powers) but with Haywire AND Fleshbane you can’t really go wrong. Mindwar is a double edged sword now rather than just cutting one direction. Still, another favorite. I’m not sure if it’s worth 2 warp charges. Fortune, always classic. Re-roll armour saves. Two warp charge? that seems steep. Doom and Guide are still with us as well and that’s good. Continue Reading