Girl Gamers I don’t think I could have written it much better myself. This is what the War Dolls is all about!

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Order Tramadol Canada I came across this article and found it useful. I’m not a very competitive player myself, nor am I really excellent at list building so there are some great tips in here that I know I need to apply. Since the writer Andrew, has multiple GT wins under his belt and I have a trophy for ‘Best Sportsman’ I figured he’d be a good source for information on how to make a list competitive. Enjoy! Continue Reading

source site For the 200th post of this blog (yup I said 200!) I wanted something special. I tossed around some ideas in my head but nothing really struck me as noteworthy. Someone pitched an idea at me to mirror my ‘look ahead’ previous post and that was a look back at where/what my armies have been. That’s right… special is me!

Can You Order Tramadol Online Legally (Also, I looked back and found no official introduction post for myself…)

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Order Tramadol 100Mg Online The Imperial Guard / Astra Militarum have been my ‘back burner’ army for a very, very long time. When ProdigalSon and I first started 40k we had a dream of a joint Guard army but sadly with moves, school and life in general, it never coalesced. Being a creature of immense sentimentality, I kept collecting guardsmen here and there over the years and when I found myself with a Sisters army back when they could have conscripted guard, I switched to hoard mode. By the time I realized what I was doing I had three full platoons. One of the local gang moved away and offered to sell me all his armor and a paycheck later I was the owner of a huge Guard force. Continue Reading 20170902_163029

enter site In her quest to add some points to the Fate of Konor campaign via painting, Red decided to put together three Harlequin Death Jesters.

go to link Although I am a little disappointed that it did not occur to me to put the subdivided mask on both of the newer Death Jesters, I am pretty pleased with how they all turned out. They all look relatively similar, beside the one old Death Jester model, and none of them took very long to paint.