Just thought I would give everyone a Happy Thanksgiving to all my gamer friends here on War Dolls.
Girl Gamers
The new set Innistrad for MGT is wonderful, the new macahnics of the flip card are a little pain in the ass but its something i will get used to. My husband and i went to the new pre relise last saturday, for the most part it was a fail for me ( i pulled shit to make a deck) and he went up against someone who studyied thier deck, but other htne that it went good. HE managed to pull a foil snapcaster mage and i.. well i pulled a Skaab Ruinator. A couple things i learned that night that i would like to share with others.
1. If you are the only female there, dont point it out.. you already feel aqward enough without the guys stairting at you like you are an odd ball for being there.
2. if you do number one make sure you point out that your hubby is right there.
3. A pre relise touny may be fun. but make sure you go durring a day one
4. if you do go to the night one make sure that they start before 2 ( when time to start was scheduled for 12 am)
5. if this does happen, maybe after opening your packs its a good idea to leave if you have your kid with you.
6. dont let you kid (that is used to going to bed at 8:30 for school) sleep on the floor of the gaming store while you play MGT!
7. Best end the match if this is to happen.
8. insist your hubby knows this and you drop out.
9 also be on the look out of little kids who used to play yugioh and are now playing magic.
10. if you see them dont trade with them ( they will get two land cards from you that when you get home you will find out were worth 25 bucks each)
11. if you do find this out lie to your hubby and dont tell him he made a bad trade..
Other then that the pre relise was good. now just to convice my hubby to sell that card!
Okay.. so Seraph has been a little busy as of late.. maybe its been working, taking care of the kid, cleaning house, or just gaming ether way life has been full!
I guess i can start out the post that i am writing with a really good artical that i have been reading on stat city games. http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/misc/22786_To_My_Someday_Daughter.html .
The hubby showed me it and its really a good artical <_< ;. Anywho... so i have been playing a bit more wow then i would like to admit.. been spending a lot of moneys on magic cardies, and got a new tank for my turtles! This weekend is the prerelise of the new magic set ^_^ innistrad. I am already signed up for the tourie and we will see how i do! heh prob not too great. i hate making decks on the fly.
Anyone who plays xbox right now will prob glare at me.. but i really have not been looking forward to the day that GOW3 came out ~_~ those that know me will know why. blarg
On wow right now its brewfeast!!!!!!! though the game is starting to feel repeditive again and i am wishing i knew of something else to do. if the mud i play on was more populated i would be spending more time on there…. but the legends of krynn just seems like more often then not only immortals are on there and it gets really dull!
Anywho… this little tech girl has some stuffs she has to do before her 10.5 hour shift tomorrow. Ja Ne!
So I decided to play in the ‘Ard Boyz Tournament, my first tournament ever. It was free entry, and local, so why not.
I made a few lists, and did not really test any of them, but decided on 2500 points of Eldar on foot.
Avatar, Eldrad Seer Council of like 7 Warlocks, 50 Guardians, 10 of them Stormies, 10 Wraithguard, 10 Harlequins, 10 Scorpions, 5 Swooping Hawks, 6 War Walkers, and a Wraithlord.
8 players attended, and we got matched up. My first opponent was playing some sort of Space Marines with a lot of flamers and melta. Go Avatar! I deployed first, and he had a cigarette while I was setting up my massive amount of infantry. When he got back, he looked at it all, and said he needed to go, family emergency, packed up and left.
Damnit, I was looking forward to kicking his ass. I was given a win though, minor victory points. If we had played, I could have gotten much better. Oh well
Next game vs a veteran Dark Eldar player that I always wanted to play, but our schedules conflicted. So 5 objectives, spearhead, I went first again, and on that round, a stray Missile from a Guardian squad makes its way through some trees, across the board, and wrecks one of his Raider gunships. in the course, I managed to destroy all 3 of them (secondary objective) but we tied on objectives. I made a mistake on my turn 4, not looking at the clock, and not moving to cover a second objective. Draw + some.
3rd game vs Tyranids, victory points, Kill the captain, and kill all the fast attack. Dawn of War. I don’t deploy anything. man was that guy slow, so after what felt like a very long game, I managed to kill his “captain” and a LOT of those little buggers he kept making. Didn’t get his fast attack, he didnt get mine either, and Eldrad was of course still alive and well. Calculating up all the points, I got another minor victory(100 points shy of Major), plus the extras for killing the captain.
End Result
Sisters of Battle placed 1st, I placed 2nd, Dark Eldar placed 3rd
As a reward, I got $40 of stuff, so I got 2 boxes of Daemonettes. They look badass.
Sept 17th, we head to Tualatin Oregon to play in the Semis.