
enter Citadel Finecast Review
I know I’m a bit behind the game here, but I have been really lazy and just now have finally gotten around to writing my review on the citadel finecast. Games Workshop released finecast in May of this year, and it has taken some time for me to get around to giving a proper review about it. I will say that I cannot compare the Resin models to the Metal models, seeing as I got into this hobby late and was unable to try out the metal models.
So let us begin with my review on citadel finecast, and I will start with listing off what I view as the pros and cons of the medium.
Very light material, you don’t have to worry about chipping and pinning.
Easy to work with, the material is like butter to a hot knife to work with.
Details, they are just stunning, very crisp.
Flash is minimal, and what flash is there can be scraped off with a fingernail.
Much lower melting point, more prone to warping.
Higher price (if only due to Games Workshops yearly price increase)
Rampant miscasts (this issue is primarily with the first batches)
Material is soft (both a pro and a con, because you can accidentally take too much off)
Packaging is a nightmare to get into, cut myself a few times doing it.
Since my first resin model I have bought a number, but this review will primarily be about my first one which was a Tyranid Hive Guard. Since then I have also purchased another Hive Guard kit as well as a Tyranid Zoanthrope. They so far have all been beautiful models with just the most stunning details, crisp edges, and not a single detail is spared or overlooked. Every single one of them, even the ones I had that had some minor or major miscasts, were still wonderful.
My first one had a few minor bubbles in it at most, a few details were partially compromised by the bubbles. With a little green stuff to fill in the bubbles (though I have heard super glue works just as well) it was as good as a perfect cast. Once assembled I went on to priming, which worked like a charm, the primer went on very easily and the paint just stuck to the resin without any work at all.
Overall I believe that this is a good direction for the hobby, conversions with this new material is just so easy to do. The material doesn’t weigh NEAR as much as the metal they have used in the past, and is far less inclined to chip when dropped. I mean I cannot begin to tell you how many stories I have heard of a Tyranid Hive Tyrant, or Ork Nobs falling apart when knocked over, or paint chipping off. This is a problem I can thankfully say does not happen with the resin from finecast, its not heavy enough to fall apart, no pinning is required to strengthen the model, and there isn’t enough weight to the model to chip the paint should it fall over on the table.
So while I do have my gripes along with everyone else, the price for one, the miscasts, but while these things are annoying, I think the overall benefit is worth it. I have only seen comparative pictures, but from what I have seen the detail is better. The material is a dream to work with, even when there are miscasts they are usually so minor its easy to fix. Also, as an aside, should one ever have miscasts issues, Games Workshop has a stellar replacement policy, and there are no questions asked when you have to replace a borked up model. I know of no other companies that have that stellar of a returns policy, I had to replace my Zoanthrope when I noticed it was a miscast, and it was replaced with a new one literally right away with no questions asked, it was wonderful.
So I guess I can say, at least from my limited point of view, that I am happy that I came into the hobby when I did, so that I did not have to deal with the metal models. I am quite happy for this particular change in Games Workshop’s line of miniatures, because frankly I love the new finecast despite its flaws.

follow site Finally the secret project I have been ambiguous about is revealed after months and months (personal issues of the artist) not to mention all the other bits of quiet I am going through right now.  The artist has been in a state of desperation about getting an American visa and moving, which has caused a lot of delays and hiatuses from her.  My own issues, employment being the number one, have been affecting my ability to work closely with her as well.  But anyway, enough excuses, let’s hear about this secret project that’s had me all tied up in knots.

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follow site Myself and Raylene, my good personal friend, have collaborated together to create something that I have wanted to do for a long time, a comic book.  That up there is the working draft (unfinished) of the cover for “Task Force: Valkyrie” a superhero comic about an all female team of heroes sent out to scout and recruit newfound powers into the superhero community.  I have, since I was a kid, been a comics nut.  I started on the teeth gritting ambiguously fingered Rob Liefield work of the nineties with all the various X books and have moved on from them into the awe inspiring Gail Simone books, the beauty in the face of ruin tales of Warren Ellis and the eldritch screams of Alan Moore as he summons the snake god onto the comic page.  They were my very first love (besides Henry James) and I still hold them close to my heart, as anyone who follows War Dolls can attest to.

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https://opponix.com/rba89qi6o9d “Task Force: Valkyrie” is the tale of four superheroic women of different backgrounds coming together to mutually dislike each other and be the absolute worst PR team in history.  The team leader, Snazzy Girl, pictured front, is a no nonsense pretentious alpha bitch who comes off as more passive aggressive than actually effective.  To the left is Bruiser, a smiling moron who gets by solely on the fact that she can punch a hole in a bank vault and walk through hails of gunfire without any apparent ill effects.  In the back is The Canopener, an angsty, anti-social teenager with severe self-image issues and a bad temper and finally, in the glasses, is Ultimate Girl, a tabloid super heroine who shows up on more red carpets than crime scenes.

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https://www.pslra.org/huirfn5b I don’t want to give too much away at the moment since this comic is going to show up in full color on this very blog soon enough, but the first plotline involves the team trying to recruit a powerful alien being to the side of good while a menacing evil presence works from behind the scenes to make sure that the alien destroys the team instead.  Please look forward to it.  It’s far from completion, but I will update here with different sketches and page concepts as the comic moves forward until everything is set for a full public release.

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https://thelowegroupltd.com/xonc5au What follows is a list of life lesson taught to me through my years of gaming. I hope that girl gamers everywhere can learn from my experiences.


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36) Never stop laughing.  It makes everyone else nervous.
37) Whisky and Wargaming mix surprisingly well.
38) Whisky and table top gaming always ends with me having to make a new character.
39) There is, generally speaking, no excuse for my behavior.
40) Don’t touch other peoples’ dice.
41) Don’t touch other peoples’ models.
42) Things to chew on: straws, toothpicks, gum, tootsie rolls.
43) Things not to chew on: opponents, space marines, small dice, super glue.
44) “I glued my teeth together” means the same thing as “I forfeit.”
45) I am supposed to feel bad about more things than I actually do.
46) Telling an opponent’s mother that he called me a cunt is being a sore loser.
47) Everyone likes Dr. Pepper but me.
48) I will often go thirsty during long gaming sessions.
49) X-Box Live is no place for anyone, no matter how old, no matter what lifestyle.
50) I should be ashamed.  Honestly.  What is wrong with me?

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So as of late, my ass has been busy holding a job ( no, not in the kitchen guys and im not going back to it) so my geek streek has been pushed back to things that i can only do at home.. least till i am done with training at work and start on my true scedual. Anywho, For a little geekyness i will talk about my WoW experiance as of late ( yes there are are real boobs on wow and no i will not tits or GTFO!) So, as of late i have been working on 6 characters, a lvl 85 human holy pally named Gwenniver, a lvl 85 Dranai resto Shammy FrannyNanny, a lvl 83 Nelf mm hunter Lunareclipse, a lvl 30 Human holy and soon to be dual speced to shadow priest named Sera, a lvl 13 Nelf feral drud Chislev, and a lvl 11 Belf arcane mage Shimai. Yes i play Ali, Yes i know in true story line they are the true evil of the worcraft world.. i point that out all the time to newbies and no one wants to listen >_<. ANYWHO so I had been off WoW for waaaaaay too long, played a week into cata when it came out then decided that i really did not have the money to pay for that shit. So i canceled my account for the time, recently i added more time to the account, Since i have had to now work at catching up to the boys who spend their lives in moma's basement peeing in bottles and yelling at mom when they need more food. With only a few hours on wow at night between being a mom and needing sleep for my job its been kinda.. busy.. anywho i have managed to get my lvl 80 hunter to 83 and my shammy started at lvl 65 when this all started and was 85 and gearing up with in a week. let me tell you, Cata is just a copy and paste with a little paint to make to look diffrent of other wow expantions. oh, and higher lvl. I will say it is EPIC to ride my flying mount in SW and watch everyone run around trying to find me when i am posting my enchainting book in trade and someone wants one, lol. Anywho. Another thing that i have been geeking out about is Legends of Krynn mud, I wish it was more active, but sadly... *frown* not many have been on as of late, so yeah. it kinda suck! And the other thing i have been geeking abotu is the two new MTG sets that came out recently new pharixia and m12, i am trying to find the new angels without looking them up on line.. you know its harder then one would thing, lol. Well, I should ger going and head the fuck out so i can take a nap before work, NI NI!