
https://tvnordestevip.com/p4aehzt0qmo I’m so glad to see the familiar names of games etc in the introductory posts. It makes me feel like using gamer slang will net me understanding instead puzzling looks. ^_^

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Well.. since i see other doing it, i should to. I go by Seraph/Sera/Gwen chose one and i shall respond. Ether way, i was recruted ( just beoing a goober) by Hurricangirl. We are co-workers. I am a big time gamer geek.. and a girl. I play on a mud known as Legends of krynn, WoW ( yes.. i know), MTG, D&D and Marvel, and anything else geeky i can do.

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https://www.mckenziesportsphysicaltherapy.com/shq8tybzt I am married to a wonderful man ( who is also a geek but no.. he is not the one who got me into gaming) and i have a 4 year old little girl, two turtles (leonardo and donitello) i have a littler of kittens (6) and one mama cat. I really can not think of anything else to say though.. <_< so BYE!



http://foodsafetytrainingcertification.com/food-safety-news/y843hfvlr5 Hello, look, another getting to know you post.  Hi!

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Buy Diazepam Cheap Uk I’m Commissar Carrie, and I am the resident umm, I dunno, fluff mistress?  I’ve been called that before, so I guess it fits.  I guess everyone wants to know about everyone, so here we go.  I’m 26, I live in Reno, NV but I’m from Texas.  I have an accent and a cowboy hat and I’m not super duper experienced with this whole gaming thing, as such.  At least not war gaming.

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get link I started my very first gaming experience ever with Mage: the Ascension about a decade ago and have been playing RPGs ever since.  I started Warhammer 40k right at the dawn of fifth edition, so I am totally new hat.  I always kind of liked the setting though, even if I kinda think Space Marines are lame.  I play Orks and Sisters of Battle, neither one particularly well.  I play to win, but really enjoy losing most of the time.  My major contributions here are likely to be fiction pieces since I am about as far from the competitive side of things as it gets.  I play armies I have fun with rather than ones designed to win, and I’m notorious for taking tons of pleasure when the scatter dice kill off scores of my own troops.  Definitely not tournament level play here.

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Tramadol Online Nz More about me, hmm…  I feel like this is one of those Playboy interview things.  Turn Ons: Heavy Flamers, David Tennant, Space Ships, Totalitarianism.  Turn Offs: Psycannons, Chris Eccleston, Bicycles, Heresy.  I like long walks in the desert, post-apocalypse, tiramisu and comitting genocide against those who oppose the church.


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We (CommissarCarrie, KatieDrake, MistressofMinis and I) are embarking on a project to try and knit girls who game a bit closer together. We’d like to give new girls (and old veterans) a place where they can find like minded people and get a more positive influence and feeling about gaming. This project will need people to make it go, but I feel that we have some great ideas already and some good people to keep it going. If we can inspire one person out there then our mission is accomplished. (if we have fun doing this, our mission is accomplished too! )
We are certainly looking for contributors and guests and ideas and anything to make it fun. This is not at all a blog for strictly one genre, we are looking from viewpoints from all games and all levels of experience.
Part one, the chatbox, is done and over there —–>

If you are a girl gamer and are interested (and we hope you are), or have ideas please feel free to drop in and chat, comment or send an email to Elorrah@theWarDolls.com !