I’ve had several projects on and off the back burner over the last year or so. Moving, finding jobs, buying a home and getting married all happened in the last year so unfortunately hobbies and grand schemes had to stand in line. They will hopefully see the light of day (in the form of this blog at the very least) at some point in the future. Can You Purchase Tramadol Online
Order 180 Tramadol Overnight I’ve made some tweaks to the campaign system I posted a year or two ago. I have been meaning to update that for some time. Generic Valium 10Mg I’ve also got a couple more projects that are in the early stages and I don’t want to reveal them yet in the case they don’t get off the ground.
go siteTramadol Order Overnight Shipping One of the upcoming projects is a case review. In our old (rental) house there was a ‘bonus’ room that had been a carport or garage at one point in time. We had lots of room to spread out our hobbies and be spoiled. Now we’ve condensed all that down to half it’s size and then combined it with the home office space. Where we had multiple shelves before, we now have just a few and need to pack up the minis, so we’re looking into cases/foam. We do have long term plans for studio space, so until then painting and storing minis has been a little difficult. What case(s) do you use and why is it your preferred method of travel/storage?
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click here We’re getting things done despite the space challenges. where I had a mostly painted Succubus before, I now have a Realspace Raider force! A tournament at a local shop motivated me to finish collecting (two Raiders) and painting (90% of the Dark Eldar) my “Buckets o’ Bitches” list. Two squads of Banshees, Jain Zar and a Succubus loaded in Raiders should have been pretty scary both literally and figuratively (Fear at -2 Leadership on each squad) for most anyone. Not to be so sadly, I went 1-2 with my only win being vs Knights oddly enough. In my defense though, I’ve never played the Dark Eldar before and my Succubus loadout was not very effective in my opinion. AP2 is nice, but failing to wound at S3 ensures it never comes into effect. I’ll post the reconstruction once I’m happy with it.
Buy Blue Diazepam That’s all I have for now. I’m hoping to continue with some regular updates!