
All posts tagged Co-Op

follow url So, I’m pretty much the most horrible weekly blogger ever.  I’ll get better…or worse, no one really knows.  😉

Valium Ohne Rezept Online EscapeCurseTempleBoardGameSo, I had the opportunity to play a fun little game called Escape: The Curse of the Temple.  It’s pretty much a co-op dice rolling game that lasts 10 minutes.  No more, no less.  The premise is that you and your friends are adventurers exploring a temple.  You use dice rolls to determine your exploration by rolling certain symbols to unlock a new room tile.  The goal is to escape safely and as a group. Continue Reading


Buy Veterinary Diazepam Today I’m going to review a game that’s been around for a while, yet surprisingly few people I know have played it – Betrayal at House on the Hill.  This is one of the first “non-traditional” games I played.  The group I played with back then was kind of diverse, but everyone loved this game and the fact that it was constantly different.  This game was also one of the first things my boyfriend and I bonded over (it’s his favorite game and definitely one of my top picks and he was thrilled to meet someone else that had actually heard of it.)  In this game players explore a haunted house, one room tile at a time.  As they venture further into the depths of the house someone becomes a traitor and then the survival countdown begins. Continue Reading

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