
All posts tagged primer role

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watch Ok, let’s rap for a second, guys.  We all know that giant robots are both large and robotic, and that, in MechWarrior Online, by PGI Games, they’re also just absolutely covered in weapons.  Now, if you’ve been following this weekly column then you know that there are different sizes of ‘Mechs and that different weapons are effective at different ranges.  These two facts, combined with the varying speeds your giant robots can achieve through the use of different engines means that ‘Mechs can serve a number of different roles on the battlefield.

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see url The role of your ‘Mech is primarily determined by three factors: Size, Speed & Loadout.  Since these three factors are really the only variables in MechWarrior Online that means that the previous sentence was kind of pointless.  It’s ok though, keep reading, we’re gonna get to the actual meat in just a second.  The important thing to know here is that your role determines your strategies and how you should pilot your ‘Mech.  Know your roles and you will immediately see an improvement in your game!  Well, theoretically, anyway. Continue Reading

Buy Cheapest Tramadol Online GIANT ROBOTS OH EM GEE! CLANG!  BOOM!  ZAP!  PEW PEW BAM KABOOM!  WEET WEET!  BOOOOOOM! Man, Giant robots are freaking fun, are they not?  It’s just like, awesome.  I know, for me, there’s nothing quite like a massive machine made of tons and tons of metal and guns just blasting the ever living crap out of stuff, and the best place to do that right now is definitely on MechWarrior Online. The game, which is completely free to play (download it from is my current ultra obsession.  That said, as anyone who’s played can tell you, it is really not easy for the new player to be successful.  So this is the first in a series of handy primers to keep you from getting shot to scrap. Continue Reading