go So, like some of you out there I have more than a few armies worth of miniatures. And like a few more of you that will be an understatement 😉
source urlhttps://living4youboutique.com/ei8ljm78x With the addition of allies in 6th edition, there is now a whole new component available to list building- for some its an exercise in min/max cheese-fest TFG neck beard approved competitive optimization. For others its going to be a reason to get to use models that might not otherwise get much play time.
get linkhttps://autismwish.org/7gnjdqr9 Theres going to be some really commonly ‘exploited’ ally combos within the competitive crowd- so far its mostly been Night scythes(they dont score anyways so who cares about Allies of Convenience?) Space wolves with 2 rune priests and grey hunters(still dont think SW should be legal to double up HQs when allies), Farseer with some rangers or jet bikes, IG for a swarm of bodies, Vendettas and a Primaris. Basically people are allying with whatever spams the most fliers or psykers.
clickhttps://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/r2vyqrn8v So, as things are now, the Imperial armies once again get numerous options and the Xenos are a distant second thought.