
All posts for the day July 8th, 2013 So, moving into my new house was incredibly awesomely exciting and all, but the downside was that I was completely without Internet and cable TV for TWO WEEKS.

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go here We managed to get a computer set up in the living room, and after a late-night trip to Wal-mart for some speakers (I should make another First World Problems… “My expensive gaming headset only allows one person to hear anything”) we were able to pass the time by watching one of my very favorite TV shows — Star Trek: Voyager.

go And let me say here and now, if I ever have a daughter, one day when she’s old enough we will sit down together and watch that series from start to finish, because those are some of the strongest female characters and the most gender-equal setting I’ve ever seen in Sci-fi or fantasy. My own writing included.

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