Board Games

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go to link The Specialist Games have been gone for a little while now, and of course that includes Blood Bowl. A dear friend once commented that Blood Bowl was one of the best games Games Workshop produced. I cannot find a reason to dispute this.

source I do however understand that if something isn’t making them money, then they have to get rid of it. I just wish they hadn’t chosen the end of the game’s life to produce a color that applies solely to that game (specifically the turf on which the game takes place). It’s just nostalgically painful.

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source site There IS a slight hope though, that this as evidence, combined with the fact that the Specialist page is still up and linked to the main page, could indicate something will be happening in the future with these titles? One can hope!


click here So, I’m pretty much the most horrible weekly blogger ever.  I’ll get better…or worse, no one really knows.  😉

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enter site EscapeCurseTempleBoardGameSo, I had the opportunity to play a fun little game called Escape: The Curse of the Temple.  It’s pretty much a co-op dice rolling game that lasts 10 minutes.  No more, no less.  The premise is that you and your friends are adventurers exploring a temple.  You use dice rolls to determine your exploration by rolling certain symbols to unlock a new room tile.  The goal is to escape safely and as a group. Continue Reading Today I’m going to review a game that’s been around for a while, yet surprisingly few people I know have played it – Betrayal at House on the Hill.  This is one of the first “non-traditional” games I played.  The group I played with back then was kind of diverse, but everyone loved this game and the fact that it was constantly different.  This game was also one of the first things my boyfriend and I bonded over (it’s his favorite game and definitely one of my top picks and he was thrilled to meet someone else that had actually heard of it.)  In this game players explore a haunted house, one room tile at a time.  As they venture further into the depths of the house someone becomes a traitor and then the survival countdown begins. Continue Reading

see url So, one day the boyfriend and I pop over to a friend’s house for a game day.  We get immediately thrown into this wacky looking game called “Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre.”  Now, even as a fairly avid board gamer I get a little intimidated when I haven’t had time to process or think about the game ahead of me, but that didn’t happen here.  Why?  BECAUSE THIS GAME JUST LOOKS AWESOME!  Yeah, seriously.  The artwork, done by artist Nick Edwards, is VERY Adventure Time and the game play is easy.

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follow site Purchase Tramadol Overnight Delivery GAME PLAY Game play is easy.  Each player chooses a wizard, which has no affect on the game, it’s just for flavor.  Players are then randomly dealt eight spell cards.  They play a spell and when the round is over they draw back up to eight cards unless they have obtained a card that says they draw more. Continue Reading

Buy Star Diazepam Hey ladies, and possibly gents!  I’m new to this blog and wanted to take a quick minute to introduce myself.  The name is Amber and I’ll be writing about board games!  Mostly reviews, but there may be other little tidbits I throw in here and there.  So, a little about me…

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source url I just turned 32 (literally JUST…as in today!).  I live in Marietta with my awesome boyfriend and no kids or pets, which makes life pretty easy.  I’ve always enjoyed board games, but it only recently became a big hobby, causing me to start my own Meetup for girls to get together and play games together (as it tends to be a male dominated activity in my experience).

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enter site I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and most things Joss Whedon, Halloween, Star Trek: TNG, Star Wars, stabby video games, space, aliens, vampires, zombies, Batman, half finished craft projects (although I’d probably LOVE completed ones more), Dexter, Chuck, Freddy Krueger, dinosaurs, robots, sharks, and completely ridiculous things.

Buy 100 Diazepam All that being said, I should have my first game review up in the next few days (it’s been a busy week and on top of my birthday and my mom’s, the boy and I have been house shopping).  I hope you’ll stop by and check it out because the game I’m reviewing is awesome, ridiculous, and actually SUPER simple.  It’s a fantastic starter game, that would be great for small parties, and anyone that has a sense of humor.