40k tournament

All posts tagged 40k tournament

https://trevabrandonscharf.com/ois2qf62gok Red and her husband ran a silly 40k tournament for Halloween complete with thematic missions and candy instead of points.


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here Having finished painting her Skathach Wraithknight – whose pictures will be uploaded once his basing is finished – Red decided to build an army list around him to take to the store’s next tournament.


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https://ragadamed.com.br/2024/09/18/zj3phvg Red played through yet another Fate of Konor scenario at her FLGS.

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https://semnul.com/creative-mathematics/?p=47swib1nwx Red, her Biel-Tan Ynnari fighting once again for the Imperium, ran her 2000 point list for another week of the Warhammer 40k Fate of Konor campaign.

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