
All posts tagged eldar

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/n43c5k79in Our local gaming store put on a teams tournament for Valentine’s Day. Since my husband and I are not super into the sappy holiday, we decided to participate, although the large amount of added restrictions put us into a different mindset than we usually have. Continue Reading

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follow Well, I promised an army showcase, so here we go. (Be prepared for pictures.) Continue Reading

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https://www.yolascafe.com/p06ayfxrf In December, GorkyMorkyGurl and I made the move south to the Gulf Coast. We love our new fortification and it’s proximity to the water, but there is one small change from our rental in Georgia; we no longer have a gigantic bonus room. When we moved in we found that the rental house had once had a garage that had been enclosed and it made a near perfect studio space. Spoiled, we ladies were, and though I wouldn’t trade this house for anything, we do miss being able to spread out with our hobbies.


https://geolatinas.org/3zxdx3a3uyr Continue Reading

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