So, have any of you ever heard the acronym “G.I.R.L.” when referring to women on online games? Maybe some of you would know it more from the full term of “Guy In Real Life”, as it is often colloquially called. It is a phrase that really irritates the ever loving crap out of me, like seriously guys. The kind of spineless and hateful pieces of crap that use this term really just get my goat sometimes, but of course I do not feed the trolls themselves. It does not do one well to actually show rage online, but inside it still eats at you especially when one is trans such as myself.
get link As a trans person, I am sure you can see how frustrating this idea can be, denying ones very identity. This is an idea that is a leftover antiquated thought from an age where women playing games were really very rare. At one time there were a lot of men posing as women, especially in games, and don’t get me wrong it still happens to this day. These little trolls though assume it of all women unless they prove it to them, and that is what this boils down to. We have to prove who we are to some random idiot on the internet, some tiny insecure little piece of crap who doesn’t deserve the time of day.
source urlsee url It is pervasive though, and that is the worst problem, especially when you are talking about MMORPG’s or FPS’s, where the bulk of this issue exists. The modern age in all these games and voice chat has only made this worse for trans folk and cis-women. I will cover each of these individually.
enter site Order Diazepam 5Mg For Cis-Women this is where the misogyny comes into the picture when you are a girl and a gamer. After they have gotten passed the childish point of “your not a girl unless you prove it”, as if it is any of their frelling business, but the second they hear your voice and know you are a woman, the nasty stuff comes in. They make the jokes of “make me a sammich” or “why aren’t you in the kitchen” or some such. Thankfully this trend is lessening as the idiots are starting to realize that they will just get ignored by most folk, but if they find anyone who reacts they latch on and troll the hell out of you. For trans women it is worse, as we get the “you aren’t a real girl” or “you are really a guy you fake” and so on and so fourth. They deny your very reality as if acknowledging your gender identity somehow would make them homosexual, which would JUST BE HORRIBLE (sarcasm). The strings of trans oriented slurs come out, and very rarely will anyone just tell them to shut up, people just don’t wanna mess with the drama, no one wants to be the hero.
go to sitego to link The problem is this is still pervasive in the FPS and MMO gaming circles when you aren’t working with a group you know well and knows you well. People just don’t wanna change this, the people who actually hang out with those little idiots are often just like them as well, so no one calls them out on it but the person who is the victim to their disgusting bigotry.
see url I plead with you my friends, when you see disgusting displays like this, step up and be the hero. Tell those little trolls who the hell they are, let them know just what kind of insignificant worm they are, be the hero. As the victim we cannot defend ourselves without creating a firestorm, and this pushes away fellow gamers. This pushes away Cis and Trans women alike from those online gaming circles because we just don’t want to deal with all that crap. Be the hero my friends, whenever you see this defend them, even if you do not know them. The positive effect you will have on that person and the community is immeasurable. You will lift that person’s day, and maybe save another gamer. Sorry for the super serious post, but it is a pervasive issue that needs to frelling disappear.
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source This sentiment is something I hate as well, being in the same position. Plus knowing lots of cis women gamers as well. It’s just stupid and insulting. It doesn’t help that a lot of the time it has just become a joke that people parrot without thinking how insulting it can be, like calling anything they don’t like ‘gay’. I always stand up against it, regardless of whether it is directed at me or not. Every time someone lets an insulting joke slide they are quietly approving of it to other people’s eyes. So I’ll step up to be the one to say ‘Hey, that’s not cool’.
Valium Mexico Online Okay I can understand the anger against the trans insults but G.I.R.L….? Really? Lol. Have you ever heard… You mad, bro? Seriously, lashing out or “being the hero” probably won’t make it better. If anything it feeds the stereotypical image of women who are hormonal and sensitive. When someone is intentionally trying to rile you up, what better way to combat that by laughing it off? So learn to roll with the punches. If you can’t make fun of yourself, you’re living life way to seriously, right? And you should never give a fuck about what people, who you don’t know or care about, say anyway. You don’t have to prove jack to them either; you don’t answer to them.. do you? Lol. I’m not trying to be mean but it looks like you’re overreacting. Where are all these poor defenseless girls anyway? In another castle? TL;DR suck it up, foo’
Tramadol 180 Tabs Onlineclick here It is possible to fight back against these kinds of statements without getting into a screaming tizzy you know. I believe that idiotic statements should be refuted when they pop up, less other people hear them and think it’s okay to keep repeating them. A simple “Well that’s stupid. Lots of girls play games, duh” or “wow, that’s rude” suffices to counter the G.I.R.L. argument, especially given people know it’s not a true statement. But it still leads to minimization of girl games, both of the cis and trans varieties. I’m not ‘trying to be a hero’ here. I’m trying to stand up for myself and my sisters against stupid, rude jokes.
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hereBuy Valium Dublin The Commissar has spoken, and after that I really don’t have anything…
follow But then again, that’s why we’re here – to celebrate the girl gamer, (and trash the boys while we’re at it!) God this video is so frelling funny, I mean it would suck if it happened in real life, but as satire it really turns it around nicely. Omg that video was freaking hilarious… omg… I disagree, I think half that shit could work, assuming you have another girl to back you up. Valium Online @Alison, See that’s all it is.. A stupid joke lol. Many are funny and well played, but like I said before: if they’re going after some transgender or even homosexual angle that crosses the line. Otherwise, whatever. No, it doesn’t have to end in a screaming match to stop if you need it to. You have to be careful how you play that one though. Am I really the only person who doesn’t think this is a big deal? And how the hell does it reduce games for us?? I play what I want, when I want. If someone doesn’t like it, big whoop, I don’t have to play with them or talk to them.. From my experience, most of the girls that get trolled are the ones who feel they have to announce that they are female and it’s usually for attention. I think we’ve all done that at one point, at least I have lol. But no one really cares what your sex is; you’re there to game. I share the philosophy of Commander Badass (
enter“Son, the way I see it. It don’t mater what’s in a persons pants unless your trying to get in them.” You are who you are and no one has the right to tell you otherwise. Ignore the trolls and let your skills do the talking.
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