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Cheapest Tramadol Online Uk 40kWarriorI’m kicking off a campaign again! I have been planning for some time, but with the advent of 7th edition looming, I decided to put any action on hold. It’s good that I did, as it gave me time to plan, revise and tweak my Cami-paign Packet v3. I’ve also procured the Mighty and Planetary Empires tiles and have been painting those up as well.

Tramadol Online Overnight Usa This campaign will be a continuance of the v2 campaign I ran (and sadly, never finished) last year. The dangling story-line will help me kick this one off. And what is that story-line? Well I’m glad you asked! Continue Reading

follow site 032-1024x640 ++May 22nd, 3050 ++FWL Colony #3454 “Fallen Bow”

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source site ++Planet Genvieve, Free Worlds League

source link Lt. Karen “Power” Simms thumbed the button for her comms, “Viper Three, checking in.  No contacts in mountain village, grid square Charlie Four.  Whatever happened here, I think we missed it.”

Cheapest Tramadol Overnight “Roger that, Viper Three,” Commander Llorn answered over the comms.  “Behemoth lance reports no contact river either.  Proceed to Delta Seven and clear.”

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enter “Delta Seven, aye.”  Power leaned back into her Raven‘s command couch and looked around her at the deserted prefab buildings of the small outpost.  The distress call had gone out four days ago, and the Renegade Suns were the first boots on the ground, half a week late to be of any use.  Now the entire colony was a ghost town, with no sign of what had happened to the people here except a few open doors, swinging in the wind.  She felt naked without any infantry support clearing these buildings, but the Suns had been hired to be first responders, not garrison troops, so their only infantry platoon was securing the area around the dropship to make sure the ‘Mechs had available transport in case they needed to be somewhere fast.

go here The low thrum of the fusion reactor inside the light ‘Mech purred through her spine as Power throttled up to a slow walk, wary of ambush.  Her Raven, designed for recon work, was small and lithe, and with its Guardian ECM Suite blocking enemy sensors she felt like a ghost haunting the graveyard of the colony.  Her own sensors still registered blank except for the distant blips of the rest of Viper lance, spread out throughout the forest and mountains surrounding the colony.  As she watched Viper One, Captain Donaldson, move towards another small outpost of prefabs half a klick away, her map flickered and her sensors went dead.  “Hold up.  This is Viper Three, I’m experiencing some sensor trouble.  Is anyone else getting this?”  All that answered was the hiss of static through her comms, and a chill rushed through her.  She’d just entered into an enemy’s ‘Mech’s ECM bubble.

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follow Tannhauser Tala Aponi Corporal Tala Aponi took a deep breath, then wrenched the shrapnel out of her arm, clenching her teeth to keep from crying out.  She was tucked into a dark corner of a hallway, back behind a pile of crates covered with Obscura Korps symbols and full of foul smells.  She didn’t want to know what was inside of them.  All around her, in the darkness of the catacombs, she could hear the sounds of battle.  The sharp, staccato crack of the almost alien “Flash Guns” of Tala’s squad let her know that they were still in the fight, somewhere.

source url She kicked her empty medkit to the side as she finished bandaging up her arm and stood up, clutching her service revolver tightly with her good hand.  This mission was hell, but they all were for the 24th Marine Special Forces.  She’d been everywhere from the jungle muck of the South Pacific to the frozen wastes of Novgorod, but this was by far the single worst place she’d ever been. Continue Reading