
All posts for the month June, 2013

source url In Warhammer 40K, Space Marines are the end all be all of the galaxy, at least from a marketing perspective.  They have Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, Grey Knights, Dark Angels, Chaos Space Marines…  And that’s just the ones on the tabletop who’ve had a codex released in the last decade.  That is seven out of 16 armies.  44% of the tabletop armies are Space Marines of some shape or color.  This number gets even more staggering when looking at the novels, nearly 3/4 of which are about Space Marines, and of all of the Warhammer 40K videogames, only two do not have the player take control of Space Marines as the protagonists.

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go site get link Space Marines are 40k.

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source And that’s what my problem is.

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get link Thats right, you read that correctly, today I am going to talk about killing characters in tabletop games.  In my case this is in pathfinder as that is the primary system I have played, but regardless it applies everywhere.  Today will mostly be about characters I have killed while DMing various campaigns.

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follow site This one is for all of you new Dolls. Continue Reading

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go Well the new codex has been read through and even had a test run around the block. Farseer Elorrah was kind enough to let me write this blog entry for her. Never mind the twitch – I hear that goes away after Mind War wears off completely.

source We might as well start with her. Elorrah’s signature power has always been Eldritch Storm. You can’t be much of a Bringer of the Storm without it, and now it seems it’s worth a damn. Warp charge 2 seems steep (especially with all the other WC2 powers) but with Haywire AND Fleshbane you can’t really go wrong. Mindwar is a double edged sword now rather than just cutting one direction. Still, another favorite. I’m not sure if it’s worth 2 warp charges. Fortune, always classic. Re-roll armour saves. Two warp charge? that seems steep. Doom and Guide are still with us as well and that’s good. Continue Reading

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watch Good morning, lovely dolls 🙂 Yeah, I know, I’ve been out of the posting habit for a week or two – oops. But I’m here this week to make up for it! Interestingly, I came into this morning with absolutely no idea what I was going to blog about, but after sitting in a class I’m taking this morning, I’ve decided to write about language.


follow site What? I’ve made it clear from earlier posts that I’m a bit of a language nerd 😛

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