3 comments on “A nerd of a different flavor…

  1. https://traffordhistory.org/lookingback/2ezlgckfsv They don’t really teach English in school the way Spanish or other foreign languages are taught, do they? I remember vaguely some stuff about diagramming sentences, but I think I learned more about linguistics from Spanish class than I did any English class.


    see url But at the same time, perhaps these concepts go unspoken and untaught because they’re not strictly necessary to get someone to learn the language; immersion is enough. People can get by just through imitating others, through pattern-matching and trial-and-error.

    go to link

    source Without that in-depth immersion, however, we have to rely on teaching the language through concepts, through differences from English that we can hold in our minds and understand: things like past-perfect subjunctive and subject-object-verb word order.

    source link

    https://www.parolacce.org/2024/09/18/wgev0kmz Of course, as no more than a casual student of language, I’m sure the full picture of language learning is much more complicated than I can capture in the space of this comment.

    • see What’s interesting is that if you learn a second language as a little kid, during the critical period for language development, you can develop full fluency without complete immersion. Of course, the way you teach a little kid is necessarily going to avoid terms like “subjunctive mood” and “dative case” because a four-year-old won’t understand that. But still, a kid learning a second language will be able to get a fluency level an adult just couldn’t.


      go here Take, for example, the nephew of a friend of mine. My friend told me yesterday that her sister and brother-in-law are having to switch their kid’s day care because his is too full of kids that speak Spanish as their native language, and the nephew has started mixing Spanish into his English, and he’s becoming impossible to understand because the adults around him don’t speak Spanish. This is nowhere near a full immersion atmosphere – he’s got fellow three-year-olds that are growing up bilingual talking to him only on the days when he’s in day care. And yet, in an atmosphere that would leave most of us adults with nothing more than four or five words, this child is learning Spanish.

      enter site

      here I just find stuff like this really interesting 🙂 And now I have to go defend my dinner from animals who haven’t quite grasped the “no begging” concept yet 😛

      • https://www.parolacce.org/2024/09/18/dc11cbtz2e True enough, kids are just otherworldly at learning languages. I’ve heard children as young as six months can communicate with their parents and others through sign language, or at least a kind of sign language that is simple enough for their motor skills to faithfully reproduce. Makes you think they understand quite a bit at a young age but just lack the ability to respond until they’re older.

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