
source image see url I’m working on building up some Dark Eldar (hopefully this was obvious) allies for my Iybraesil forces. Now that, with the release of the new Eldar codex, the Howling Banshees are no longer in my penalty box, I wanted to revisit a list I had been working on earlier this year – Banshees in Raiders!. I acquired this model some time back and have begun the work to bring her to the table just recently.


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Where Can I Buy Valium In Canada 40kWarriorI’m kicking off a campaign again! I have been planning for some time, but with the advent of 7th edition looming, I decided to put any action on hold. It’s good that I did, as it gave me time to plan, revise and tweak my Cami-paign Packet v3. I’ve also procured the Mighty and Planetary Empires tiles and have been painting those up as well.

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here This campaign will be a continuance of the v2 campaign I ran (and sadly, never finished) last year. The dangling story-line will help me kick this one off. And what is that story-line? Well I’m glad you asked! Continue Reading


https://riverhillcurrent.com/ims0cou1 This has got to be the coolest Ork photo in history!

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Order Tramadol Us To Us Of course lately the Warhammer 40k news is the soon released Ork Codex. The models so far have been pretty good, and I know that a certain someone here at home is quite tickled with what’s been released each week. We even stopped by a GW store yesterday on our way out of town to pick up the latest White Dwarf, and wound up coming away with one of the new Mek Guns as well. They’re quite well done, and not as big as I thought originally. I was worried that they would dwarf the existing big gun models. There have been …other things purchased as well. There’s quite an arsenal forming in the studio. Continue Reading


https://osteopatiaamparoandres.com/f47fon6 Taurox2The new Imperial Guard codex(es) is right around the corner and with it some new sculpts and entirely new models. One of these is the Taurox and at first it was a bit repulsive to me, looking more orky than Imperial. But along came better leaked photos, and that gave us a much clearer image of this new interesting vehicle. Now, seeing it better, I’ve decided that it’s not terrible bad, excepting those weird mini-treads, and set out to find some vague idea of what rules will be for it. Continue Reading

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follow url Rumors are floating about that The Great Devourer is coming in January and yours truly couldn’t be any more excited about it. Why you ask? Or you should be asking… Well I will tell you gentle reader, one of the rumors that you may have heard about is that the bugs are getting a ‘run and assault’ rule. This alone is enough to please me, since I run a Genestealer heavy list, but there is also now a rumor that there will be a Genestealer Cult supplement. This is positively *squeeworthy*!


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