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go to site Well the rumors are currently pointing to a Sisters of Battle Codex. Obviously, this Farseer isn’t surprised as I predicted just such an occurrence. 😉

source The scary part is that some of the rumours state that it will just be an e-book version of the WD copy. Well I say this is not the case. Expect to see new content and information. I know I do. And if you don’t believe me, There’s this image that seems to be from a White Dwarf.

click here So there!

see Though I’m excited to see the girls get a book after so terribly, terribly long, I’m also excited that the Tyranids have a book coming too and I am going to be revamping THAT army for finally playing in 6th edition. And repainting. Look for project blogs soon, and likely for both armies. Fortunately I’m quite happy with my Sisters’ look and they are mostly painted. Only Seraphim and Repentia need painting at this point.




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https://www.mreavoice.org/6g7b9oh So another Dragoncon has come and gone, Sadly I didn’t get to explore it quite as much as I wanted to. I’m still fighting off the remnants of pneumonia (ick!) I did get to sneak out of my deathbed long enough to visit on Saturday, but largely because I was running 40K demos for Gigabites Cafe (the LGS I am regularly attending) and the Atlanta GW store.  Continue Reading

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=u7naciu We’ve all experienced it.  We walk into the car dealership and it happens.  We buy a house, and we are subjected to it.  Sometimes, we post an article about Space Marines on a blog and a nice man is kind enough to inform to us exactly what we don’t know.

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/z6jcgak13q Thank you, sir, for mansplaining that to me.

enter Mansplaining is a common ailment affecting men from all walks of life, no matter race, color or creed.  Certain environments, such as sports bars and garages, can exacerbate the condition exponentially, but no area is truly safe from the malignant disease of the mansplain.

go here WIkitionary defines “Mansplain” as “To explain (something) condescendingly (to a female listener), especially to explain something the listener already knows, presuming that she has an inferior understanding of it because she is a woman.”

go to site And it is a shame when it happens to gamers, but it does, a lot.

source url Continue Reading


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see url Well the new codex has been read through and even had a test run around the block. Farseer Elorrah was kind enough to let me write this blog entry for her. Never mind the twitch – I hear that goes away after Mind War wears off completely.

We might as well start with her. Elorrah’s signature power has always been Eldritch Storm. You can’t be much of a Bringer of the Storm without it, and now it seems it’s worth a damn. Warp charge 2 seems steep (especially with all the other WC2 powers) but with Haywire AND Fleshbane you can’t really go wrong. Mindwar is a double edged sword now rather than just cutting one direction. Still, another favorite. I’m not sure if it’s worth 2 warp charges. Fortune, always classic. Re-roll armour saves. Two warp charge? that seems steep. Doom and Guide are still with us as well and that’s good. Continue Reading


I actually have a couple other post ideas ready to go, but today just feels like a Xenos day. The fact that Games Workshop released ‘official’, non-blurry photos of the models probably helped alot.

I just have a few observations and/or speculations since the initial ‘wow that looks purdy!’ stage has passed. About the Eldar book of course. I’m constantly observing everything. All the time. And judging. Even you.  Continue Reading