The Warboss/GorkyMorkyGurl and I have some rather different tastes in video games all the way down to platform. She was a long time console gamer and I was primarily PC. We did find common ground with Borderlands 2. I’ve played it before with my old roommates and she found it adorable. We’ve tried a few different games sinceand eventually wound up finding our way to Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod. Since the JC games aren’t made for multiplayer it had to be modded, and if you’ve played it, then you know it’s woefully buggy. We played on a couple of different servers and that helped us identify what we liked most. Continue Reading
Roleplaying Games
Tramadol Buy Canada I’ve been feeling the roleplay itch again lately. My old standby is D&D, and I have no problem running that or any system really. I can tell my story with any proper set of tools. The only concern I have with running the current incarnation (4th ed) of D&D is that Wizards of the Coast is on the verge of releasing an entirely new edition and that would leave myself and my players having to learn a new set of rules sometime this year. Continue Reading