things that make me happy

All posts tagged things that make me happy I’ve been feeling the roleplay itch again lately. My old standby is D&D, and I have no problem running that or any system really. I can tell my story with any proper set of tools. The only concern I have with running the current incarnation (4th ed) of D&D is that Wizards of the Coast is on the verge of releasing an entirely new edition and that would leave myself and my players having to learn a new set of rules sometime this year. Continue Reading

Order Tramadol Next Day Shipping So, I try not to talk too much about my day job when I’m writing stuff that will permanently stay online, but I’ll make an exception for this little anecdote. I work with kids on a daily basis, and last week one of them came up to me and told me I was cool.

source link Um, what?

click here I asked what he meant, and he said, “Oh, you know, you like World of Warcraft and stuff. You’re just really cool like one of those guys on The Big Bang Theory.” Continue Reading

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