
All posts tagged corsairs

Buy Diazepam Online India Red finally finished her current large model project – a Skathach Wraithknight.

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click I have made a little progress on my Skathach Wraithknight, so I figured I should share it since he seems to be sapping my motivation.

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Buy Valium Us As I think I have said before, I have been working on making a force of Corsairs using Dark Eldar models. With GW’s decision that Corsairs will not be included in Ynnari, I decided to model everything in a way that could see them fielded as either Dark Eldar or Corsairs depending on what rules set I wanted to go with. (My FLGS loathes Forgeworld stuff, so having models based on only being Corsairs is not a good idea.) It was a little bit of mental gynmastics, but it worked out pretty well. The one unintended side-effect this has brought about, of course, is my new fascination with Dark Eldar. Continue Reading

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