
All posts for the month April, 2013

Buy Valium Au It’s incredible to me how shocked guys can be over the fact that a girl plays video games. At one of my shows the other night I told a server that I wanted to get home so I could get a little gaming in, and he was shocked when I told him which games I had recently beaten and which games I was currently playing.

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click In truth, video games have been a major part of my life for years. The first game I picked up was Pokemon on my brand new Gameboy Color in 5th grade. At recess, all the girls sat on those acrobat bars talking about the boys and the boys sat on the rocks playing with their Gameboys. They all had the Pokemon game, mostly red cartridges. So after weeks of chores, I finally saved up enough to get the blue Pokemon cartridge and I got to sit on the rocks at recess and battle the boys. Continue Reading

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Order Tramadol Next Day Delivery JunkThingI imagine this discussion has been hammered into the ground, but not by me and not on these pages.

source I recently wandered into a chatbox i used to frequent and almost immediately was asked what I thought of someone’s Tau list. It was titled “Tau with Ad Mech” There are fundamentally 3 things wrong with asking me questions like this; Continue Reading

Online Doctor Prescription Valium In the second primer for my own personal favorite smashy Mcobotfest we’re going to talk about ranges, or as I like to call it “How far away is that guy and can I hurt him?” Ranges are, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the most important part of understanding why you are getting killed so bad oh my gosh you died so hard why did that happen?  Right, it happened because you, the new player, do not understand the subtleties of weapon ranges.  Ranges are vital to knowing your weapon systems and the weapon systems of the enemy, so let’s begin! Continue Reading

source Anyone ever seen those t-shirts that say “4.0 Killed Gary”? They’re tasteless and insensitive, and kind of silly when you think about it. I mean, what is it with pen-and-paper roleplayers? Let me be clear here: I most certainly fall into this category. I have thousands of dollars of roleplaying books on one of the shelves in my apartment. There’s almost always a book within arm’s reach. I have books from countless systems, editions, companies, settings, games. I have two editions of Exalted, one of Engel, a small collection of Sword and Sorcery, some assorted book’s with Monte Cook on the cover (for the sole reason of his name), a massive collection of 3.5 books, the 4.0 core set, the Forgotten Realms and Neverwinter books for 3.5 and 4.0, a smattering of AD&D books (it was before my time, sadly, and I do not understand THAC0), a first edition Dungeons and Dragons boxed set, a monster manual that was copywritten in 1973, Vampire: The Requiem, Vampire: The Masquerade, the old World of Darkness books, the new World of Darkness books, Iron Kingdoms, Inquisitor, Ravenloft, Gurps, and several notebooks with systems of my own devising. In short, I have no problems with many multiple pen-and-paper systems. 100Mg Tramadol Online Continue Reading

Tramadol Orders Online One of my favorite things to do is people watch and dissect the psychology behind why people do the things they do. (I always considered majoring in psychology, but aside from opening my own practice there isn’t a whole lot I can do with a psychology degree.)

see Anyways, I’ve been mulling around the psychological reasoning for why people choose the 40k armies they choose. After sifting through some psychology theories, I think I’ve figured it out. It all comes down to conflict resolution. As much as I hate talking too much about my… personal thoughts… I’ll use myself as an example. It’s only fair, I suppose.

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