nerd girls

All posts tagged nerd girls xenaxaspIt’s not at all easy to be a warrior princess in the forty first millennium these days. Some of the other eras are tough too, but today we’re looking at Warhammer 40k and it’s sad lack of female models where there should not be a lack. Tau, Eldar and the Imperium of Man are all composed of binary races (that still occupy their original bodies, Necron lovers) and have fluff that state that both races fight on the battlefield, but the miniature line doesn’t reflect that very well for some.

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follow My free time in recent months has been eaten by an early-release game on Steam called 2015-04-04-15-04-52-778_FinalScreenSpace Engineers. What is S.E. you ask? I’m glad you brought that up!

here As an avid Minecraft player (and crafty/creative person in general), I love to build things. In MC though, those things are just static. Many times I’ve wanted to build a cart or big boat or space ship and have it be able to fly around.

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Buy Diazepam 20 Mg Uk It’s been a little while since my (or anyone’s) last post, but there have been things going on, for everyone. The holiday season is always a busy time for everyone, and as a store owner, I noticed that it was just as, if not more so for gamers. In my own realm, we moved to a new place just before Thanksgiving, so it’s been a roller coaster ride for us. We’re all getting back in the rhythm of things though, slowly but surely.

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go to link There will be plenty enough to go round for a while. The gaming must go on! I’m driving this blog to be more open-ended with the content and less 40k specific. I’m very much hoping to see a little more of everything. I encourage anyone who has any articles or ideas for the same to write to us and let us know! I also want to give a special shout out to Ambergeddon for her board game reviews!  Continue Reading

go site There are a lot of events planned for the near future at the LGS – Giga-Bites Cafe. If you are local we encourage you to come out and see us or the event or both! There are plenty of things to do, for any type of gamer!  Continue Reading

click here So, I try not to talk too much about my day job when I’m writing stuff that will permanently stay online, but I’ll make an exception for this little anecdote. I work with kids on a daily basis, and last week one of them came up to me and told me I was cool. Um, what?

here I asked what he meant, and he said, “Oh, you know, you like World of Warcraft and stuff. You’re just really cool like one of those guys on The Big Bang Theory.” Buy Msj Valium Uk Continue Reading