
All posts tagged 40k


Don’t be fooled.
This is a hardened criminal!

It’s been a little while since my (or anyone’s) last post, but there have been things going on, for everyone. The holiday season is always a busy time for everyone, and as a store owner, I noticed that it was just as, if not more so for gamers. In my own realm, we moved to a new place just before Thanksgiving, so it’s been a roller coaster ride for us. We’re all getting back in the rhythm of things though, slowly but surely.

There will be plenty enough to go round for a while. The gaming must go on! I’m driving this blog to be more open-ended with the content and less 40k specific. I’m very much hoping to see a little more of everything. I encourage anyone who has any articles or ideas for the same to write to us and let us know! I also want to give a special shout out to Ambergeddon for her board game reviews!  Continue Reading

So I have been really terrible about getting my posts up on Sundays for the past couple of weeks. (In all fairness, yesterday was Mother’s Day and I did nothing but play the Sims and have a painting party with my man.)

What did you paint at your painting party you ask? Oh I’ll tell you.

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I totally forgot to blog here yesterday, but thanks to the magic of WordPress I can totally just set the date of this post to yesterday and none of you will ever know, mua-ha-ha-ha!

Well, except that I just told you, but whatevs.

So anyway, let’s lay out the litany of excuses that have kept me from posting on time:
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I think every gamer nerd, regardless of gender, is familiar with the cycles of games. What was killer cheeseball one edition gets hit with the nerfbat in the next, all in the name of “balance” (and really, in the name of profit, because nothing ever actually balances except the gamemakers’ checkbooks when you spend more money to buy whatever’ll keep you winning.) We’ve talked a little on this blog before about making themey lists instead of cheesy lists, making characters instead of powergaming, that sort of thing… the idea that some armies/classes/specs/colors/whatever are more powerful than others is pretty standard, right?

I got into 40k about…oh… early 2004? Something like that. And I didn’t really build my own army until the Witch Hunters codex came out in that summer, and I became a decent player during that fall after the 4th edition rulebook came out. I was a newbie to the geek world at the time, and although I understood that some armies were cheesier than others (or beardier…do people still say beardy? We used to say beardy.) I didn’t understand that this could change at the drop of a hat. A combination of MtG, WoW, 40k, and D&D taught me this.

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