
All posts for the day April 8th, 2013



click here CLANG!  BOOM!  ZAP!  PEW PEW BAM KABOOM!  WEET WEET!  BOOOOOOM! Man, Giant robots are freaking fun, are they not?  It’s just like, awesome.  I know, for me, there’s nothing quite like a massive machine made of tons and tons of metal and guns just blasting the ever living crap out of stuff, and the best place to do that right now is definitely on MechWarrior Online. The game, which is completely free to play (download it from is my current ultra obsession.  That said, as anyone who’s played can tell you, it is really not easy for the new player to be successful.  So this is the first in a series of handy primers to keep you from getting shot to scrap. Continue Reading

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enter Last night I was raiding, like I usually do on Friday nights. I know that makes me seem like I have absolutely no life at all – given the wide world of social opportunities on a Friday night, and I choose to sit around on WoW? But I do, because let’s face it, when you wake up at 6:30 in the morning, staying up until 4AM isn’t really an option, and soon after you recognize that reality, Friday becomes just another weeknight. Sad. Anyway, so I was sitting around raiding on vent mumble (who doesn’t use vent, honestly…) and I said something totally innocuous…I think it was “Hey Trodi. What’s up?” and the immediate response came from a non-guildie, who immediately said “It’s strange to hear a girl talk on vent. Most girls don’t usually talk unless they have to.” Moments later another guildie logged in and we all said hello to Symantha, who said hi back. He’s a guy, playing a girl character with a girl name, but even so, everyone assumes he’s a guy because he’s playing WoW and only guys play WoW. (Sidenote: I want to roll a character named Victoria who’s a male character, and then when I talk on vent I’ll tell people I’m a guy…)

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