I took another step in my Corsairs project, and it turns out my original idea for the basing did not really work out either. 40k
All posts tagged warhammer 40k
Tramadol Overnight Mastercard For those of you that have not seen Warhammer Community’s posts going up, I wanted to take a look at the new “Faction Focus” article that just recently went up for Craftworld Eldar. Continue Reading
go here The most recent 40k event my local gaming store decided to run was a giant apocalypse game. Continue Reading
Buy Roche Diazepam Onlinesource link As I think I have said before, I have been working on making a force of Corsairs using Dark Eldar models. With GW’s decision that Corsairs will not be included in Ynnari, I decided to model everything in a way that could see them fielded as either Dark Eldar or Corsairs depending on what rules set I wanted to go with. (My FLGS loathes Forgeworld stuff, so having models based on only being Corsairs is not a good idea.) It was a little bit of mental gynmastics, but it worked out pretty well. The one unintended side-effect this has brought about, of course, is my new fascination with Dark Eldar.
Buy Valium By Roche Online Continue Reading GW recently released this new Boxed Game called Shadow War: Armageddon, and although they really underestimated how popular this game would be – and thus how quickly it would sell out – my husband and I managed to nab a copy from our FLGS.
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