Girl Gamers

One of my favorite things to do is people watch and dissect the psychology behind why people do the things they do. (I always considered majoring in psychology, but aside from opening my own practice there isn’t a whole lot I can do with a psychology degree.)

Anyways, I’ve been mulling around the psychological reasoning for why people choose the 40k armies they choose. After sifting through some psychology theories, I think I’ve figured it out. It all comes down to conflict resolution. As much as I hate talking too much about my… personal thoughts… I’ll use myself as an example. It’s only fair, I suppose.

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100_2354 - Copy I don’t know about anyone else, but I really love to accessorize in my geekery. Especially when I go to a tournament. Not sure why exactly, but I’ll dress to match my army. Teal and White when I play my Eldar, usually something flowy; Purple and silver when I play Sisters, and with some combat boots of course; Purples and blues for my Tyranids were pretty easy, since that’s what I wear most days; and my Chaos Marines are the most fun, since I get to dress like a rock star! Last time, I believe it was my pink schoolgirl skirt, fishnets and my chaos collar, which I made for next to nothing! Continue Reading

Last night I was raiding, like I usually do on Friday nights. I know that makes me seem like I have absolutely no life at all – given the wide world of social opportunities on a Friday night, and I choose to sit around on WoW? But I do, because let’s face it, when you wake up at 6:30 in the morning, staying up until 4AM isn’t really an option, and soon after you recognize that reality, Friday becomes just another weeknight. Sad.

Anyway, so I was sitting around raiding on vent mumble (who doesn’t use vent, honestly…) and I said something totally innocuous…I think it was “Hey Trodi. What’s up?” and the immediate response came from a non-guildie, who immediately said “It’s strange to hear a girl talk on vent. Most girls don’t usually talk unless they have to.” Moments later another guildie logged in and we all said hello to Symantha, who said hi back. He’s a guy, playing a girl character with a girl name, but even so, everyone assumes he’s a guy because he’s playing WoW and only guys play WoW. (Sidenote: I want to roll a character named Victoria who’s a male character, and then when I talk on vent I’ll tell people I’m a guy…)

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I noticed a few of the War Dolls posting their gaming history… so I figured I would add mine to the mix.

I’m not the typical gamer, which is usually clear from the fact that I will always wear heels to a 40k game. While I have always been a video gamer, I never really ventured into tabletop games further than Scrabble and Monopoly. I absolutely am the girlfriend that started playing tabletop games to be involved in my boyfriend’s hobbies – but my intentions of just being a good girlfriend developed into a genuine love for the games. Go figure. Continue Reading

endangered_healer_girlfriendA lot of girls become involved in gaming as the gamer’s girlfriend. I cannot tell you how many “girlfriend healer”s I met while I was LARPing. Show of hands – how many of you girls were inducted as a girlfriend?

I came into it gradually, DnD with a cousin at an early age, then later in high school, comics, then painting figures, then being invited to the gaming club and I found miniature gaming that way. However the DnD thing, I did get invited by a guy in my science class totally out of the blue. Continue Reading